Integrated Manual Therapies for Pain Relief & Enhanced Life



Adhesions are fibrous bands of scar tissue that form between internal organs and tissues, joining them together abnormally. This happens during abdominal surgery and Caesarian sections when any air or gas contacts the peritoneum.


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Craniosacral System

The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The skull and sacrum function as pumps to pump cerebrospinal fluid from the brain down the spinal column to the sacrum and back up again. In good health, the craniosacral system completes 6 to 12 pump cycles per minute. The primary membrane is the Dura Mater, a tough connective tissue that lines the skull, spinal column and sacrum.


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Dura Mater

Dura Mater is the strong, elastic membrane which surrounds the brain and spinal cord and connects to the sacrum. The Dura Mater, or “tough mother” as it is known, directly affects the spine, whole head and hips, which are the core of the body.


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Lymphatic System

This system runs parallel to and travels everywhere our blood goes, transports proteins, carries cellular waste away from the tissues, and carries 90% of our disease-fighting white blood cells. Lymph fluid circulation is critical to life. A person would die within 24 hours if it stopped circulating. It is pumped only by the contractions of our muscles, so it has a greater tendency to pool and concentrate toxins, especially in sedentary people. This is one reason why exercise is so important to good health.


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Para-sympathetic Nervous System (PNS)

 The para-sympathetic nervous system is the part of the nervous system that controls bodily functions such as increasing digestion, intestinal motility, resistance to infection, rest and recuperation, and endorphins (the "feel good" hormones).  The PNS also decreases heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature and induces relaxation, a restful feeling, and allows healing.


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Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel and foot pain. It involves pain and inflammation of a thick band of tissue, called the plantar fascia, which runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to the base of your toes. Plantar fasciitis is particularly common in runners due to the repetitive motion of running. People who are overweight and those who wear shoes with inadequate support are also at risk of plantar fasciitis.


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The sacrum is the triangular shaped bone that lies between the two halves of the pelvis at the bottom of the spine. It is the lower end of the craniosacral system.


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