Integrated Manual Therapies for Pain Relief & Enhanced Life

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation was developed by the French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral DO to restore the proper movement and position of organs in the body. In health, each organ has its own intrinsic movement, and also movement in relation to the other tissues of the body that surround it. One example of this is low back pain frequently being caused by the large intestine, which is a long muscular tube that is attached to the spine, pelvis, and liver. The kidneys can also cause back pain by sliding down lower towards the hips, and the pain can be relieved by repositioning them.


The practitioner gently lifts, releases, repositions organs with their client lying down or sitting on a bodywork table.  Dr. Barral believes that most chronic pain has a significant visceral component.



 Visceral Manipulation practitioners use this therapy to treat:


• back pain

• neck pain

• whiplash

• seatbelt injuries

• chest or abdominal sports injuries

• shoulder and arm pain

• constipation

• acid reflux (GERD)

• digestive disorders

• hiatal hernias

• emotional issues



"I am an avid tennis player, who has suffered from repeated injuries and chronic back pain for many years. With mixed results, I have tried a wide variety of traditional and alternative approaches to deal with my pain, including physical therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, Feldenkrais, massage, tai chi. But Mimi did something no one else had tried -- visceral manipulation -- a gentle technique in which she painlessly readjusts internal organs which are out of place.  To my delight, after she worked on my kidneys, liver, and intestines, I felt dramatic immediate relief! It seemed like magic to me. I cannot recommend Mimi highly enough!"


- Matthew G.


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Serving Massachusetts clients in Brighton, Boston, Brookline, Newton, and the Greater Boston area

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